So apparently There is testing a sky neighborhood right now. Is that cool or what? I'm assuming if all goes well that this'll become a real, regular thing that anyone can use...and I know some people that are going to be sooooo excited about it! Seriously, I don't spend much time chatting with my buyers or sellers, but once in a while there is an email exchange that includes some non-Therebucks related chatter, and one of the common themes is people who are waiting for "real" sky pazzes.
Seriously, I know people who have been waiting and keeping the dream alive for YEARS and I was beginning to think they were crazy or delusional...or maybe both. Now it's becoming a reality. Yay! They must be over the moon (literally, considering they've been building up in the sky for years now anyway.)
As exciting as learning about this yesterday was, I still managed to wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, hating life, stressing out about not having my Halloween costume yet and just generally being miserable.
I perked up a little bit when I saw that Mike Wilson, CEO of had retweeted my tweet regarding the space neighborhoods. This was very cool like "wow, MW knows I exist! He's following me on Twitter!" Right? But it seemed a little weird because the tweet included the URL, which almost everyone reading this post already knows is the URL for my Therebucks selling site. So it's like...the CEO of There was advertising my tbux sales. Wow, thanks Skippy!
(I probably shouldn't be soooo surprised that the CEO of There would pay attention to a Twitter account called "Therebucks":)
Then, I managed to get a pretty cool Halloween costume, and there are even some thigh-high boots on the way for it, so overall my day is looking up.
Now that we have hugs and props (and wow, props have really changed the look of things in There!) what do you think is next? Could it be cats?????
Oh yeah, p.s. I added my first blogroll blog on the side...and it's Mike Wilson's There blog! ( you think he has a non-There blog?) It's pretty new so that was a nifty find. Hope it gets updated ALLLL the time. The blogroll is over on the right hand side of this page.
Don't hold your breath on cats...BUT sky neighborhoods is a cool development. I remember talking to Baloo who was the economic guru for There for a long time...he talked about how There realized that the secondary market for Therebux (e.g. was necessary for the health of the There economic model...although they could never really recognize the secondary market...and would have to give a wink and nod to it...but pretend it didn't exist. Funny how this all works. My modest little portfolio of 3d models has consistantly sold items...the ecomonics of There is pretty amazing.
ReplyDeleteGreat comments! I just wanted to mention the site is actually