Well, the title says it all. I want to give Therebucks buyers and sellers some reassurance that everything is okay, I've been around for a while, I'm a real person, I'm safe to deal with, etc.
My name is Laura Knights, but my There avatar name is Jinx_tv and I've been selling Therebucks for I guess about six years as I write this. The first time I ever "sold" Therebucks was actually in exchange for enough frequent flier miles for a ticket from New Hampshire all the way to Silicon Valley to attend the first ever There Real Life Gathering (and yes I have the tshirt to prove it...and the tiki mug and the mousepad...)
After that, I was not only creating content like crazy for There (I was the first member with over 1000 items in their catalog) but I did some contract work for There and eventually moved to Silicon Valley.
Of course then I mostly stopped developing content, although I keep wanting to start up again. It just seems to take so much time, but I do love doing it. Meanwhile I am still selling Therebucks, but most of them are resales...in other words, other avatars who may be developers or just members who are cleaning out their virtual closets and have extra tbux from garage sales and auctions, sell their tbucks to me and then I pass them on to people who want to buy them...for a small profit. Seriously, it is a small profit. It's about 10% before PayPal fees, but it's more like 5 or 6% after that and even less (much less) when I get chargebacks.
But anyway, that's my little story just to get this blog rollin'!
Thanks for the video update! I admit I was getting nervous since I had sold them to you on Friday and it's now Monday and my PayPal is still at $0....lol. I am sorry that happened to you and hope everything get's straightened out! Thanks again <3