Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Wow, IMVU VIP has changed a lot since it started. I had signed up for it when they first started the program and ended up canceling because the program sucked so much. The stuff they offered you was just lame, lame, lame! Well, okay, the Brittany Barber Chair is kind of funny...

Now it seems like you get a really nice bundle each month, and I figured with the discount you get on catalog purchases and the small amount of credits you get it might be worth it so I decided to sign up.

For some reason though, my card was declined. It sent me into a bit of a panic actually, checking my bank account to make sure everything was okay! Everything seemed okay so I tried making my purchase a few more times and it didn't work. Now I'm wondering if it might be related to the ban I had my bank account put on anything related to PayPal after There announced their closing and immediately banned me and then PayPal froze my account - well, froze ME from doing anything with my account, while still accepting payments to it and taking bogus charge-backs out of it. Since I couldn't unlink my bank account from PayPal THROUGH PayPal, I had my bank change my account number and disallow anything coming from them. I'm not sure how that would affect a credit card payment from IMVU, but maybe it affects all virtual goods or something?

I guess it saved me a little money for now.

Speaking of PayPal, it's been about long enough maybe I can talk about my There/PayPal fiasco in an upcoming entry.