Sunday, November 1, 2009

PayPal fee calculator

Well, had a little break in paying sellers (not buyers...buying Therebucks is still 3 mins or less) due to hosting a Halloween party, but I'm catching up fast.

Anyway, I thought this would be a good follow up to the MassPay video...

Isn't it funny how anything you can imagine is likely to be out there on the Internet already? I was thinking about how people always have questions about PayPal fees and how much they will be, but the fees can vary based on...well...variables...(like if you have a business account and do a high volume of sales, if you're doing a "cross border" transaction, etc.) and what is needed is a PayPal fee calculator.

So I checked online and OF COURSE there are already a great number of such calculators out there.

This one looks pretty cool:

So if you're selling your Therebucks and you want to know what sort of fees you're going to pay, give it a try...especially if you're contemplating MassPay. It should really help with figuring out if MassPay is right for your transaction or not. Ooooh...I should add a link to it from! I'm going to do that this week I think.

Well, hope you had a great Halloween! We were pirates. Arrrr!



  1. Hey...where is the video today...sheesh!

  2. I'm trying to mix it up between videos and text posts because people who don't speak english as a first language may not understand my videos that well. Maybe I should just enunciate more clearly...

  3. We offer a free Paypal calculator that works in reverse with your margin or gross profit dollars as a calculation.
